Algebra Basics and Formulae

What is Algebra?

Algebra is a part of mathematics where we use letters/symbols to represent numbers in an equation/formula/inequality, and then manipulate them using some rules.

Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical expression

  • Unsymmetrical expression: It is an expression in which the weight of all the variables (say a, b,c …) is not the same.

    For example, a+b+c2,a2+b2c2,a3+b3+c2 etc

  • Symmetrical expression: It is an expression in which the weight of all the variables is equal.

    For example, a + b + c, 3a + 3b + 3c, a2+b2+c2,a3+b3+c3, ab + bc + ca etc.

    So, in a symmetrical expression we can interchange the positions of the variables.

Algebra Formulae

Now, let’s have a look at some of the basic formulae that we are going to use in this chapter.

Square Formulae

Square Formulae Type 1: Two Variables




Square Formulae Type 2: Three Variables


Square Formulae Type 3

If (xa)2+(yb)2+(zc)2 = 0, then x – a = 0, y – b = 0 & z – c = 0
i.e. If A2+B2+C2 = 0, then A = B = C = 0

A2+B2+C2ABBCCA = 0, then A = B = C

Cubic Formulae

Cubic Formulae Type 1: Two Variables





Cubic Formulae Type 2: Three Variables


= (x+y+z)×12[(xy)2+(yz)2+(zx)2]

When x + y + z = 0, then x3+y3+z3=3xyz

Function and Inverse Function Formulae

Type 1: x+1x

If x+1x = a, then:

  • x1x=a24

  • x2+1x2=a22

  • x3+1x3=a33a

If x+1x = 1, then x3 = –1.
If x+1x = -1, then x3 = 1

If x+1x = 2, then x = 1
If x+1x = -2, then x = – 1

If x+1x=3, then x6 = –1

Type 2: x1x

If x1x = a, then:

  • x+1x=a2+4

  • x2+1x2=a2+2

  • x31x3=a3+3a

Type 3: x2+1x2

If x2+1x2 = a, then:

  • x+1x = a+2

  • x1x = a2

If x2+1x2 = 1, then:

  • x3+1x3 = 0 and x6 = –1

Type 4: Higher Even Powers



Type 5: Higher Odd Powers





Algebra Properties

Property 1: Distributive law

x (y + z) = xy + xz

Property 2: Componendo and Dividendo

If ab=xy, then a+bab=x+yxy

If x+yxy = z, then , xy=z+1z1

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