Past Continuous Tense
Uses of Past Continuous Tense
Use Case 1: Action going on at some time in the past
We use Past Continuous Tense to indicate an action going on at some time in the past (the time of the action may or may not be indicated).
The noise was getting louder.
We were watching the kids all night.

Use Case 2: Temporary situation
Past Continuous Tense is used to talk about a temporary situation that existed at or around a particular time in the past:
During the time of the great depression, people were fighting even for bread and butter.
Ronaldo was not playing well, so he was substituted.
Use Case 3: Persistent habits
Past Continuous Tense is also used with always, continually, etc. to showcase persistent habits in the past.
He was always gambling.
On going action in the past – It will be in Past continuous tense
Interrupted action – It will be in Simple past tense
I was having a bath when somebody knocked at the door.
Tom was passing through the forest when a tiger jumped at him.
Different Sentence structures of the Past Continuous tense
We use the following helping verbs in past continuous tense (depending on person and number of subject):

In imaginary sentence, ‘were’ is used with all subjects (no matter whether it is used as a helping verb or main verb).
I wish, I were a lion. (were – main verb)
She pretended as if she were hallucinating. (were – helping verb)
Structure of Declarative sentences
Affirmative Declarative Sentences
Pattern: Subject + was/were + $V_4$ + Object
Aanya was playing badminton.
They were playing badminton.
Negative Declarative Sentences
Pattern: Subject + was/were not + $V_4$ + Object
Aanya was not playing badminton.
They were not playing badminton.
Structure of Interrogative sentences
Affirmative Interrogative Sentences
Pattern 1: Was/Were + Subject + $V_4$ + Object?
Was Aanya playing badminton?
Were they playing badminton?
Pattern 2: Wh. family + was/were + Subject + $V_4$ + Object?
Where was Aanya playing badminton?
Where were they playing badminton?
Negative Interrogative Sentences
Pattern 1: Was/Were + Subject + not + $V_4$ + Object?
Was Aanya not playing badminton?
Were they not playing badminton?
Pattern 2: Wh. family + was/were + Subject + not + $V_4$ + Object?
Why was Aanya not playing badminton?
Why were they not playing badminton?

Extra Books and Tools
If you prefer to learn via books, or want some good English Grammar books for reference purposes, you may read this article which enlists some of the books recommended by us.