Articles with Countable Nouns

In this article, we will study the various uses of Indefinite and Definite Articles with Countable Nouns.

Articles with Singular Countable Noun

Concept 1

In case of singular countable nouns, we use:

  • the - to talk about the general features or characteristics of a class of things or people (and not any specific thing or person).

  • a/an - to talk about an unspecific thing or person.

uses of articles

Notice the difference:

The computer has revolutionised publishing. (correct - the statement is about computers in general)
A computer has revolutionised publishing. (incorrect - computers in general have done this, not an individual computer)

But notice these two sentences:

The computer is an important research tool. (correct – the general class of computers is an important research tool.)
A computer is an important research tool. (correct – any particular computer is an important research tool.)

That is, this is true of both the general class and an individual item.

In present day English we even use ‘a man’ and ‘a woman’ (or ‘men’ and ‘women’) to represent the general class of mankind/womankind.

A woman is more sensitive than a man. (correct)
Women are more sensitive than men. (correct)

Let’s see some more rules when it comes to the use of articles with singular countable nouns.

Concept 2

When we define something - we generally use ‘a/an’ rather than ‘the’.

A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature.

Concept 3

In exclamatory sentence, a/an is used after ‘what’ and ‘how’ and before the singular countable noun.

What a great party!
What a shot!

Concept 4

We use ‘a’ with a few words that denote the number of countable nouns.

E.g. a hundred, a million, a dozen, a couple etc.

It’s a million dollar deal.
I will like to buy a dozen bottles.

Articles with Plural Countable Nouns

We do not use an article before plural countable nouns when they are used in a general sense.

Children like toys.

Computers are used in almost all educational institutions now.


These plural countable nouns do take ‘the’ when used with a particular meaning.

Where are the children? (i.e. our children)

Other uses of Articles

Articles in case of Job

To talk about a person’s job in general, we use ‘a/an’.

But to talk about a person’s job title, or their unique position, we use ‘the’ or zero article.

He was a company director when he retired. (talking about his job in general)
She is (the) director of the company. (talking about the person’s job title)

After ‘the position of’, ‘the post of’, or ‘the role of’ we use zero article before a job title.

Dr. Sheldon has taken on the post of Academic Director.

Articles in case of Ordinals

We use ‘the’ with ordinals (i.e. first, second, third etc.).

She was the first guest to arrive to the party.

The third season of the sitcom ‘Friends’ was the best.

We do not use any article before cardinal numbers (i.e. one, two, three etc.).


Act three of this novel is very interesting. (three – cardinal number)
The third act of this novel is very interesting. (third – ordinal number)

Replacement of per/one

We can use a/an:

  • instead of ‘one’

    I have one pen. (correct)
    I have a pen. (correct)

  • to say one of a type

    He eats a meal which is not nutritious.
    Birds of a feather flock together.

  • in place of ‘per’.

    This bike runs eighteen kilometres per litre. (correct)
    This bike runs eighteen kilometres a litre. (correct)

    He earns fifty thousand per month. (correct)
    He earns fifty thousand a month. (correct)

Articles with Fractions

‘a’ is used before fraction part of mixed fractions.

6 ½ liter - six and a half liter
5 ¼ meter - five and a quarter meter

Articles with verb acting as a noun

We use ‘a/an’ before a verb, when that verb is used as a noun.

Let us have a talk with them.
I am going for a walk.
Do you need a ride?

Articles with many/rather/quite/such

We use ‘a/an’ before a singular noun if it comes after many/rather/quite/such.

Many a man died in World War II.
It is rather a pity that he could not come along with us.
It is quiet an impossible task.
That was such a rash thing to do.

Articles in Phrases

We use ‘a/an’ in some phrases too.

For example: in a fix, in a hurry, in a nutshell, make a noise, make a foot, keep a secret, as a rule, at a stone’s throw, a short while ago, at a loss, take a fancy to, take an interest in, take a liking, a pity, tell a lie.

What you just told us was all a lie.
I expect the students of this class to not make a noise while the principal is taking the rounds.

Extra Books and Tools

If you prefer to learn via books, or want some good English Grammar books for reference purposes, you may read this article which enlists some of the books recommended by us.
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