Uses of Each as various parts of speech

In this article, we will see:

  • the various ways ‘each’ can function in a sentence.
  • the various sentence structures/patterns involving ‘each’
  • various use cases of ‘each’, including some dos and don’ts.

Each is used to denote every one of a number of persons or things taken singly.

Each as various parts of speech

‘Each’ can function as:

  • a (distributive) pronoun,
  • an (distributive) adjective or
  • an adverb.

Each of them costs Rs. 50. (Each – distributive pronoun)
Each box costs Rs. 50. (Each – distributive adjective; box - noun)
These boxes cost Rs. 50 each. (Each – adverb)

We use ‘each’ and ‘every’ only with countable nouns. Also, we do not use any determiner with them.

The every class was decorated with balloons. (incorrect)
Every class was decorated with balloons. (correct)

The each kid was given a toy car. (incorrect)
Each kid was given a toy car. (correct)

Usage Patterns of Each

Now, let’s see some of the sentence patterns in which you are more likely to see ‘each’ being used.

Each as a Distributive Pronoun

Pattern 1

We know that, ‘Each’ is used to denote every one of a number of persons or things taken singly. So, ‘Each’ as distributive pronoun takes a singular verb.

Pattern: Each + Singular Verb

Each of us plays it one after the other. (plays - singular verb)

Pattern 2

However, when ‘each’ follows a plural subject, then we use plural verb with them.
These guys hunt in group. They each do their part of the work. (do – plural verb)

In other words, we can say that, if ‘each’ comes after the subject, the helping verb/main verb should agree with the subject.

We each has advised him to give up smoking. (incorrect; we – plural subject; has – singular verb)
We each have advised him to give up smoking. (correct; we – plural subject; have - plural verb)

The position of ‘each’ also matters.

We have each advised him to give up smoking. (incorrect)

Each as a Distributive Adjective

‘Each’ as distributive adjective takes a singular countable noun and a singular verb.

Pattern: Each + Singular Noun + Singular Verb

Each drummer plays it one after the other. (drummer - singular noun; plays - singular verb)

However, we use Plural Noun/Pronoun after ‘Each+ of’. In such cases, ‘Each’ function as a pronoun, rather than as an adjective.

Position of Each

In a sentence, ‘each’ may have three positions.

Each of these players scored 3 goals. (starting position; here ‘each’ is working as a pronoun)
These players scored each 3 goals. (mid position, after verb)
These players scored 3 goals each. (end position; in such position of ‘each’, we write ‘each’ only after a numeral; here ‘each’ is working as an adverb)

Each of the women received a coupon. (starting position; here ‘each’ is working as a pronoun)
These women received each a coupon. (mid position, after verb)

Compare the following:

The women received a coupon each. (incorrect)
The women received five coupons each. (correct; in such position of ‘each’, we write ‘each’ only after a numeral)

I bought each of these bikes for 2 lakh rupees. (mid position, after verb; here ‘each’ is working as a pronoun)
I bought these bikes for 2 lakh rupees each. (end position; in such position of ‘each’, we write ‘each’ only after a numeral; here ‘each’ is working as an adverb)

Each Vs. Every

Students often get confused between ‘each’ and ‘every’. So, let us compare ‘each’ and ‘every’, and see a few of the differences between them.

Difference 1

Each can function as a pronoun or as an adjective. While, Every only functions as an adjective.

Difference 2

Each is used for ‘definite/specific’ cases, while Every for ‘indefinite/general’ cases.

Every of you is a champion. (incorrect)
Each/Everyone of you is a champion. (correct)

Each action has equal and opposite reaction. (incorrect)
Every action has equal and opposite reaction. (correct)

Difference 3

Each is used for two or more than two. While, Every is used for more than two.

Difference 4

We may use Each to emphasize an individual (but not Every).

That is, we use ‘each’ to refer to every member of the group. While, we use ‘every’ to refer to all the members of the group collectively.

Every cigarette we smoke is scarring our lungs. (incorrect)
Each cigarette we smoke is scarring our lungs. (correct)

The phrase ‘each and every’ is used for emphasis. It just adds more force to ‘each’. We use singular verb with it.

Each and every member of the parliament was evacuated.

Extra Books and Tools

If you prefer to learn via books, or want some good English Grammar books for reference purposes, you may read this article which enlists some of the books recommended by us.
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