
What is Average?

The average of n quantities of the same kind is equal to the sum of all the quantities divided by the number of quantities.

How to find Average?

Formula Method

Average = $\frac{Sum \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Quantities}{Number \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Quantities \hspace{1ex} (n)}$

For example:
An average or an arithmetic mean of given data is sum of the given observations divided by number of observations.
Average = $\frac{Sum \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Observations}{Number \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Observations}$

Method of deviations

Instead of using the formula, we can use method of deviations to ease out our calculation.

For example, we need to find average of n quantities – $x_1$, $x_2$, ….. $x_n$

In this method:

  • We assume some arbitrary number (A) as the average.
  • After that we algebraically add the deviations (differences) of all the quantities from A, i.e. ($x_1$ – A) ± ($x_2$ - A) ± ….. ± ($x_n$ - A).
  • Thereafter we take average of these differences. That is, we find $\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i − 𝐴)$
  • Then we algebraically add this average to A to get our answer.

So, the average of these n items, Average = A ± $\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i − 𝐴)$

Adding algebraically means that we take into account the signs too. So, always keep in mind the signs.

Let’s consider an example:

A student scored the following marks in five subjects: 38, 58, 44, 54 and 61.

Now, assume some arbitrary number (A) as the average, say 50.

  • The deviations of the marks from 50 are: -12, +8, -6, +4 and +11
  • The algebraic sum of these deviations is +5.
  • Hence the average of the student’s marks = 50 + 5/5 = 51

If we take A = 55.

  • The deviations of the scores from 55 are: -17, +3, -11, -1 and +6
  • The algebraic sum of these deviations is -20.
  • Hence the average of the student’s marks = 55 - 20/5 = 55 - 4 = 51.
Note: The extent to which this method will simplify the calculation will depend on the selection of the arbitrary average A. It should be selected in such a way that the positive and negative deviations cancel out each other as much as possible. Then the final figure left for division will be relatively small making the division easier.
Q. If a cricketer scored 98, 82, 66, 76, 80 and 90 runs in his six innings, then what is his average score?

Explanations :

Explanation 1: Formula Method

Average = $\frac{Sum \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Quantities}{Number \hspace{1ex} of \hspace{1ex} Quantities \hspace{1ex} (n)}$ = (98 + 82 + 66 + 76 + 80 + 90)/6 = 492/6 = 82 runs

Explanation 2: Method of Deviations

Let us assume 80 as the mean.

Algebraic sum of deviations = 18 + 2 – 14 – 4 + 0 + 10 = 12

So, average score of cricketer = 80 + 12/6 = 82 runs

Q. The average of 10 numbers is zero. Which of the following can be concluded about the numbers?

(a) At least 9 numbers are positive.
(b) At most 5 numbers are positive.
(c) At most 9 numbers are positive.
(d) At most 1 number is positive.


Let the 10 numbers be $N_1$, $N_2$, …, $N_{10}$.

We know that the average of 10 numbers is zero.
Therefore, ($N_1$ + $N_2$ + …….. + $N_{10}$)/10 = 0
Or, $N_1$ + $N_2$ + … + $N_{10}$ = 0
Or, $N_1$ + $N_2$ + … + $N_9$ = − $N_{10}$

Therefore, at the most 9 numbers can be greater than zero.

Answer: (c)

Properties of Averages


If all the numbers get increased by a, then their average must be increased by a.
E.g. If the average age of group of people is x years, then their average age after n years will be (x + n). This is because with each passing year, each person’s age increases by 1 and vice versa.


If all the numbers get decreased by a, then their average must be decreased by a.
E.g. If the average age of group of people is x years, then their average age n years ago would have been (x – n).


If all the numbers are multiplied by a, then their average must be multiplied by a.
If all the numbers are divided by a, then their average must be divided by a. (a ≠ 0)

Multiples of a number

Average of n multiples of any number = $\frac{Number × (n+1)}{2}$

Impact of Group change on Average

Average may increase/decrease on an entity leaving or joining the group. That’s what we are going to focus on, in this section.

There are three probable scenarios.

Addition of a new item

Average of n quantities is equal to X and on adding a new entity/quantity to the group the average becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group increases by 1), then:

Value of new entity = Y + (Y - X)n OR X + (Y - X)(n + 1)

Q. The average age of a group of 8 boys is 12 years. Thereafter a new boy joins the group and their average age increases to 13 years. What is the age of the new boy?

Explanations :

Explanation 1: Traditional Method

Average = Sum of ages / Number of boys

Or Sum of ages = Average × Number of boys = 12 × 8 = 96 years

New sum of ages = New Average × New Number of boys = 13 × 9 = 117

So, the age of the new boy = 117 – 96 = 21 years

Explanation 2: Formula Method

Average of n quantities is equal to X and on adding a new entity/quantity to the group the average becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group increases by 1), then:

Value of new entity = Y + (Y - X)n OR X + (Y - X)(n + 1)

So, age of the new boy = Y + (Y - X)n = 13 + (13 - 12)8 = 13 + 8 = 21 years

Explanation 3: Short Trick Method

The average of group increased from 12 to 13.

So, the age of the new boy must be atleast 13 plus the amount needed to raise the average of the rest of the boys.

That is, age of new boy = New average + Amount needed to raise the average of rest of the boys
= New average + Difference in averages × Original number of boys
= 13 + (13 - 12) × 8 = 13 + 8 = 21 years

Q. In a cricket tournament Ponting scored 135, 125, 150, 230 and 160 runs in 5 consecutive innings. If after his next innings his average score increased by 3 runs, then which of the following is correct?

(a) Runs scored in the next innings is 180.
(b) Runs scored in the next innings is 186.
(c) Runs scored in the next innings is 188.
(d) Runs scored in the next innings is 178.

Explanations :

Explanation 1: Traditional Method

Total score of 5 innings = 135 + 125 + 150 + 230 + 160 = 800 runs
Average score in 5 innings = 800/5 = 160

According to the question,
Average score after next innings = 160 + 3 = 163
Runs scored in next innings = 163 × 6 – 800 = 978 – 800 = 178 runs

Answer: (d)

Explanation 2: Formula Method

Total score of 5 innings = 135 + 125 + 150 + 230 + 160 = 800 runs
Average score in 5 innings = 800/5 = 160

Average of n quantities is equal to X and on adding a new entity/quantity to the group the average becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group increases by 1), then:

Value of new entity = Y + (Y - X)n OR X + (Y - X)(n + 1)

So, runs scored in the next innings = X + (Y - X)(n + 1) = 160 + (3)(5 + 1) = 160 + 18 = 178 runs

Explanation 3: Short Trick Method

Total score of 5 innings = 135 + 125 + 150 + 230 + 160 = 800 runs
Average score in 5 innings = 800/5 = 160

The average of the batsman increased by 3 runs.

So, the runs scored in the 6th innings must be atleast 160 plus the runs needed to raise the average of the rest of the innings.

That is, runs scored in the next innings = New average + Runs needed to raise the average of rest of the innings
= New average + Difference in averages × Original number of innings
= 163 + (3) × 5 = 163 + 15 = 178 runs

We could also have done this:

Runs scored in the next innings = Old average + Runs needed to raise the average of all of the innings
= Old average + Difference in averages × New total number of innings
= 160 + (3) × 6 = 160 + 18 = 178 runs

Removal of an existing item

Average of n quantities is equal to X and on removing an entity/quantity from the group the average becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group decreases by 1), then:

Value of removed entity = Y + (X - Y)n OR X + (X - Y)(n - 1)

Replacement of an existing item with a new one

The average of n quantities is equal to X. When one quantity of value P is replaced with a new quantity having value Q, the average of quantities becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group remain the same), then

Value of new entity, Q = P + (Y - X)n

Q. A group containing 13 girls and 9 boys had an average amount of Rs. 750 with them. When one of the boys, who had Rs. 540 with him, was replaced with a girl, the average amount with the group increased to Rs. 790. What is the difference in the amounts held by the new girl and the boy who got replaced?
(a) Rs. 800   (b) Rs. 880    (c) Rs. 1,120   (d) Rs. 1,200

Explanations :

Explanation 1: Traditional Method

Number of people in the group = 13 girls + 9 boys = 22

Average amount = Rs. 750
Total amount = Average amount × number of people = Rs. 750 × 22

After the replacement, the average amount increased to Rs. 790.
Hence, the total amount in second case = Rs. 790 × 22

Difference in the amounts held by the new girl and the boy who got replaced = Total amount in second case - Total amount in first case = 790 × 22 - 750 × 22 = (790 – 750) × 22 = 40 × 22 = Rs. 880

As the average of the group increased after the replacement of the boy with the girl, the girl must be having Rs. 880 more than the boy, i.e. 540 + 880 = Rs. 1,420

Answer: (b)

Explanation 2: Formula Method

The average of n quantities is equal to X. When one quantity of value P is replaced with a new quantity having value Q, the average of quantities becomes Y (i.e. number of entities in the group remain the same), then

Value of new entity, Q = P + (Y - X)n

So, the amount with new girl = P + (Y - X)n = 540 + (790 - 750)22 = 540 + (40 × 22) = Rs. 1,420

So, the required difference = 1420 - 540 = Rs. 880

Answer: (b)

Difference = (Y - X)n
Explanation 3: Short Trick Method

The average of group increased from 750 to 790.

So, the amount with the new girl must be atleast Rs. 540 plus the amount needed to raise the average of the rest of the group.

That is, amount with the new girl = Amount with the replaced boy + Amount needed to raise the average of all of the members of the group
= Amount with the replaced boy + Difference in averages × Total number of members of the group
= 540 + (790 - 750)22 = 540 + (40 × 22) = Rs. 1,420

So, the required difference = 1420 - 540 = Rs. 880

Answer: (b)

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